SquareOne Entertainment
by Chris Hammond
Devonte Hynes is lead singer of Lightspeed Champion, one of the hottest indie acts in the UK. Adored by the NME and winning an ever growing legion of fans we managed to wangle half an hour with him whilst he hurtled through a 22 mile tunnel in Switzerland.
SquareOne: If you could pick one film as your favourite what would it be?
Devonte Hynes: “My favourite film would be the bowling comedy Kingpin with Woody Harrelson. I think it's one of the funniest films ever really. I can't even remember when I first saw it, I was probably thirteen or something but I've always thought it was really really good. I haven't seen it in a long time but I love the bits where Woody Harrelson is just shamed and down and out. I need to go re-buy it. I love that film”.
SQ1: What is the best performance you've ever been to?
DH: “When I was about fifteen I saw Every Time I Die play the Camden Underworld and it was one of the most mind-blowing things I've ever seen. Just these guys on stage giving it all they could, I've never seen anything like that and it took performance to a new level for me”.
SQ1: What’s your idea of a great book?
DH: “I've read Please Kill Me the punk history book a lot. But I'm more of a comic book man, I love David Boring by Daniel Clowes. I could probably recite it word for word. It's about a guy who likes perfect girls and it's just weird and completely amazing with lots of subplots”.
SQ1: What’s the best thing on TV?
DH: “Lost it's classic TV. It's the best thing on TV and it will probably be the best thing that ever is on TV. I'm holding my breath to see what's going to happen next. I need to stay up to date with it”.
SQ1: Your prediction for star of the future?
DH: “Martin Brignall of The Train Chronicles. He’s just recorded an EP, I’m not sure when it’s out but it’s going to be really good. The music is quite bluesy but in a good way not like a critics choice Brit Award way. He’s twenty five and I really hope he’ll be hitting the heights quite soon”.
SQ1: The entertainment gadget could you not cope without?
DH: “Probably my CD discman. I got on to iPods but I just find them annoying. I prefer the look of Cd's and I love being able to just look at the inlay. I've got a jog proof one now but I didn't in school. I had to invent a new way to walk so the tracks didn't skip”.
SQ1: What’s the best site on the web?
DH: “Superhero Hype. It's all about comics, movies and alternative TV. It's got news and gossip updates on it and it's my home browser, it’s pretty up to date every time I log on”.
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