Saturday 19 April 2008


SquareOne Booze

by Dave Hynes

Wow! I’m impressed…seriously impressed. I think I owe you Leithers an apology; this is amongst the very best bars in Edinburgh - and I mean that. It's an unimposing and most- welcoming little haven resting unobtrusively about midway up Leith Walk and it would surely make any serious shortlist of Scotland’s best pubs.

The Boda is a bohemian little boozer, apparently with a subtle Swedish twist. It serves great beer in a great atmosphere; it’s upbeat, urbane and completely juxtaposed to the s_t which surrounds it. Instead of waving a white flag, surrendering to the overwhelming barrage of dourness present in many Leith pubs, it more than hold it's own. It quite stubbornly refuses to be a s_t pub, refuses so far in fact that it is an absolute gem hidden in the Walk of drinking woe.

The clientele are absolutely great; they seem to be mostly Leithers who refuse the usual serving of Leithness. On entering I overheard a happy-go-lucky young man trying to chat up a real stunner; "yeah we just sound like any other indie band". I knew I’d finally arrived in a Leith pub I could actually look forward to going into, with gorgeous women and only chat lines like that to compete with, Boda is like a great Swedish blond; a joy to be inside.

And talking about aesthetics, there is also an Aussie blonde bombshell barmaid who keeps the laughs going through the night, a true Boadicea but about ten times better looking. The barman is great too, really likeable, doubtless he'll not find employment anywhere else in the area.

The Boda also has the best music in town with chilled out funky tunes to keep your head nodding and your tail wagging throughout the day. But most of all though it’s the attitude of Boda which shines through the most. It’s attitude to being a pub on Leith Walk, its reaction against the homogeneity of its competitors, its ability to run a damn good pub and its ‘make sure you come back’ essence which simply puts the Boda on a pegging all of its own. BODAcious indeed.

1 comment:

Melissams4 said...

ha ha I am that Aussie Blonde barmaid and am truely flattered. (Stumbled across this when I googled Boda Bar. And I agree it is one of the best bars in Edinburgh and I miss and all the clientel dearly :-(