SquareOne Booze
by Chris Hammond
Come May and June, even with the typically random nature of British weather, you can guarantee at least one or two days of reasonable sunshine. And with sunshine comes a stampede for barbecue friendly foods and icy cold beer. That’s what summer is all about, isn’t it?
As jet setting holiday goers are becoming increasingly adventurous, sales figures are suggesting that the days of warm English bitter of a balmy sun soaked eve are long gone. These days boozy Brits are hitting the stronger continental head splitters with aplomb. Recent reports indicate that after 40 years of lager being the undisputed tipple of choice, sales of Belgian specialty beers have risen by 30% in the past year, six times the rate of traditional bestsellers, including lagers and real ales.
One of the new favourites for those of us partial to a wee tipple is a blonde Belgian beast called Leffe, a strong straw coloured number with a not too shabby 6.6% ABV. For the British drinker who is used to a more neutered volume, beers like Leffe inevitably represent a faster path towards destination inebriation.
However tempting a few cold beers on those scant sunny days may be, health groups are warning sun worshippers they are at serious risk from dehydration if they ditch the H20 in favour of some hop laden, high volume, headache in a glass. If you aren’t painting the streets with sick due to over consumption, it could be down to dehydration. Signs of dehydration include light-headedness and dizzy spells, so are often masked, as the same symptoms are synonymous with feeling drunk.
So enjoy the finest imports from our EU buddies, indulge in a bit of sun worshipping, but be careful not to take things too far. Drink plenty of water, stay in the shade and watch what you imbibe, there can be too much of a good thing. Drunkenness and dehydration won’t just make you unwell, the worst case scenario will see you bed bound whilst your friends enjoy the last few days of cloud free skies till May 2009.
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